Are you a renter in Jacksonville looking to find a place to live?

Connect with UpRiver to find a rental home , lock in a fixed rent with no increases, and sign a long-term lease.

How does it work?

Take a minute to tell us your rental preferences.

  1. Fill out a form with your rental preferences (example: move-in date, 2 bathrooms, fenced-in backyard, pet friendly)

  2. Complete a one-time background, income, and credit check.

  3. UpRiver will find a property that meets your needs, and send you a few homes that meet your criteria.

  4. We will negotiate the rental rate for you.

  5. Sign a long-term lease (12 or more months) 60 days prior to move-in.

  6. Move into your new home!

Why rent through UpRiver?


Save time and avoid spending time reading through online listings that lack information.

Are you looking for a place to live but overwhelmed with the number of listings?

You tell us your preferences.

We find the home for you.


Avoid paying $25-$100 per application for multiple places.

Pay a one-time fee and match with a home.

Lock in a long-term rental rate.

Sign a long-term lease and lock-in your monthly rent.

UpRiver will negotiate a fixed-rate rent for a long-term period on your behalf.

Let’s work together

Interested in finding a rental home?

Fill out the form below.